Marvel Rivals Season 1 Patch Notes (Version 20250110 – Jan 9)

Karan |  Published: January 08, 2025

The Marvel Rivals team just dropped their latest patch notes (20250110) on January 9th on their website, and I’ve got all the details about what’s changing when Marvel Rivals Season 1 kicks off on January 10th, 2025.

This patch brings quite a few changes to balance things out. Some heroes are getting small boosts while others are being toned down a bit. The development team mentioned they’re keeping most Team-Up abilities as they are for now since everyone’s still getting used to the game. They’re planning bigger changes for Season 2, but for now, we’re looking at small tweaks to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Before we dive into all the specific numbers and changes, it’s worth noting that these adjustments aim to open up more team combinations. They’ve particularly focused on making sure no single strategy (like those double shield setups) becomes too dominant. Now without wasting any time let us take a look at Marvel Rivals Season 1 Patch notes.

All Vanguard Hero Changes in Marvel Rivals Season 1 Patch Notes

hulk using incredible leap in marvel rivals
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase, screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Let’s start with the Vanguards. These heroes are getting some interesting adjustments to their survivability and engagement patterns. Here are all the changes:

captain america marvel rivalsCaptain America
living legend marvel rivals captain america (right click mouse)
Living Legend
• Living Legend shield restoration delay reduced: 3s → 2s
liberty rush captain america marvel rivals (f)
Liberty Rush
• Cooldown reduced: 12s → 10s
Base Stats• Health increased: 650 → 675
freedom charge marvel rivals captain america ability (q)
Freedom Charge (Ultimate)
• Energy cost reduced: 3400 → 3100
• Additional Health per second reduced: 110 → 100
doctor strange marvel rivalsDoctor Strange
maelstrom of madness doctor strange marvel rivals gamma maelstrom team up ability marvel rivals
Maelstrom of Madness / Gamma Maelstrom
• Added damage falloff to Maelstrom of Madness and Gamma Maelstrom
• Starts at 5 meters
• Reduces to 70% damage at 8 meters
shield of sepharim doctor strange marvel rivals
Shield of the Seraphim
• Shield value recovery rate reduced: 80/s → 70/s
thor marvel rivalsThor
Base Stats• Health increased: 500 → 525
god of thunder thor marvel rivals
God of Thunder (Ultimate)
• Added complete immunity to control effects during ultimate
hulk marvel rivalsHulk
indestructible guard hulk marvel rivals
Indestructible Guard
• Hero Hulk gamma shield value reduced: 250 → 200
venom marvel rivalsVenom
symbiotic resillience venom marvel rivals
Symbiotic Resilience
• Bonus health ratio per lost health point increased: 1.0 → 1.2
feast of the abyss venom marvel rivals
Feast of the Abyss (Ultimate)
• Base damage increased: 40 → 50

All Duelist Hero Changes in Marvel Rivals Season 1 Patch Notes

marvel rivals character psylocke doing a pose
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase)

Moving on to our damage dealers. The Duelist changes focus a lot on fine-tuning their engagement ranges and making their ultimates more impactful. Let us take a look at all the changes:

black panther marvel rivalsBlack Panther
spirit rend black panther marvel rivals
Spirit Rend
• Health gained from Vibranium Marks refresh reduced: 40 → 30

• Maximum additional health cap reduced: 120 → 75
black widow marvel rivalsBlack Widow
edge dancer black widow marvel rivals
Edge Dancer
• First effect radius increased: 3m → 5m
fleet foot black widow marvel rivals
Fleet Foot
• Stamina recovery time (0 to full) reduced: 12s → 4s
electro plasma explosion black widow marvel rivals
Electro-Plasma Explosion (Ultimate)
• Maximum power charge time reduced: 1s → 0.6s
hawkeye marvel rivalsHawkeye
blast arrow hawkeye marvel rivals
Blast Arrows
• Reduced spread angle between arrows
archer's focus hawkeye passive marvel rivals
Archer’s Focus (Passive)
• Triggering distance reduced: 60m → 40m
• Maximum additional damage reduced: 80 → 70
hela marvel rivalsHela
Base Stats• Health reduced: 275 → 250
magik marvel rivalsMagik
umbral incursion magik marvel rivals
Darkchild Form (Umbral Incursion)
• Umbral Incursion damage increased: 115 → 135
moon knight marvel rivalsMoon Knight
hand of khonshu moon knight marvel rivals
Hand of Khonshu (Ultimate)
• Talon count increased: 10 → 14
• Explosion radius per talon increased: 4m → 5m
namor marvel rivalsNamor
frozen spawn team up ability marvel rivals
Monstro Spawn/Frozen Spawn
• Improved throwing accuracy for Monstro Spawn and Frozen Spawn
• Enhanced targeting system for better placement control
psylocke marvel rivalsPsylocke
dance of the butterly psylocke marvel rivals
Dance of the Butterfly (Ultimate)
• It will check for barriers (including Magneto’s Metal Bulwark, Hulk’s Indestructible Guard, etc.).
punisher marvel rivalsThe Punisher
deliverance punisher marvel rivals normal attackAdjudication (Primary) the punisher marvel rivals
• Reduced spread on weapons
scarlet witch marvel rivalsScarlet Witch
chaos control scarlet witch marvel rivals
Chaos Control
• Fixed damage per second increased: 50 → 60
• Percentage damage per second reduced: 5% → 3%
chtonian burst scarlet witch marvel rivals
Chthonian Burst
• Projectile damage increased: 30 → 35
storm marvel rivalsStorm
wind blade storm marvel rivals
Wind Blade
• Projectile speed increased: 100m/s → 150m/s
• Base damage increased: 50 → 55
bolt rush storm marvel rivals
Bolt Rush
• Damage increased: 70 → 80
omega hurricane storm marvel rivals
Omega Hurricane (Ultimate)
• Self bonus health increased: 350 → 450
• Post-ultimate health decay: Now reduces at 100 per second instead of instant removal
squirrel girl marvel rivalsSquirrel Girl
unbeatable squirrel tsunami squirrel girl marvel rivals
Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami (Ultimate)
• New targeting system: Squirrels now target nearest enemy after bouncing
• Squirrel tsunami health reduced: 600 → 300
winter soldier marvel rivalsWinter Soldier
bionic hook winter soldier marvel rivals/tainted voltage winter soldier marvel rivals
Bionic Hook and Tainted Voltage
• Bonus health increased: 30 → 40
rotersterm winter soldier marvel rivals
• Projectile damage increased: 70 → 75
• Area damage reduced: 70 → 65
• Damage decay at 40 meters reduced: 65% → 60%
Base Stats• Health increased: 250 → 275
wolverine marvel rivalsWolverine
Base Stats• Health increased: 300 → 350
undying animal wolverine marvel rivals
Undying Animal
• Damage reduction ratio decreased: 50% → 40%

All Strategist Hero Changes in Marvel Rivals Season 1 Patch Notes

cloak and dagger in marvel rivals
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase)
cloak and dagger marvel rivalsCloak & Dagger
dagger storm cloak and dagger marvel rivals
Dagger Storm
• Cooldown reduced: 15s → 12s
eternal bond cloak and dagger marvel rivals
Eternal Bond (Ultimate)
• Dash count increased: 3 → 4
jeff and the land shark marvel rivalsJeff the Land Shark
its jeff - jeff marvel rivals
It’s Jeff! (Ultimate)
• Range changed from 10m sphere to cylindrical field (10m radius, 5m height)
joyful splash jeff marvel rivals
Joyful Splash
• Healing increased: 140/s → 150/s
luna snow marvel rivalsLuna Snow
fate of both worlds luna snow marvel rivals
Fate of Both Worlds (Ultimate)
• Healing/damage switch interval increased: 0.1s → 0.5s
mantis marvel rivalsMantis
nature's favor mantis marvel rivals
Nature’s Favor (Passive)
• Movement speed boost reduced: 2.5m/s → 1.5m/s
rocket racoon marvel rivalsRocket Raccoon
repair mode rocket raccoon marvel rivals
Repair Mode
• Healing increased: 60/s → 70/s

All Team Up Ability Changes in Marvel Rivals Season 1 Patch Notes

Finally, let’s look at how Team-up abilities are being affected in Marvel Rivals Season 1 Patch:

Hawkeye – Black Widow

Hawkeye’s Season Bonus• Reduced: 20% → 15%

Hela – Thor – Loki

Season Bonus• Hela’s bonus reduced: 20% → 15%

Luna Snow – Namor

frozen spawn team up ability marvel rivals
Frozen Spawn
• Base damage increased: 25 → 27
• Slow effect increased: 25% → 30%
• Berserk state damage increased: 16 → 18

Rocket Raccoon – The Punisher – Winter Soldier

ammo invention team up ability marvel rivals
Ammo Invention
• Cooldown reduced: 45s → 40s

Scarlet Witch – Magneto

metallic fusion team up ability marvel rivals
Metallic Fusion
• Projectile damage increased: 55 → 60
• Spell field damage increased: 30 → 35

Thor – Storm – Captain America

charged gale team up ability marvel rivals
Charged Gale
• Cooldown reduced: 20s → 15s
• Damage increased: 50 → 55

That’s everything changing in Version 20250110. Looking at these changes, it’s clear the development team is taking a careful approach to balancing. They’re making small adjustments rather than completely reworking characters, which makes sense since we’re all still figuring out different strategies and team combinations.

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Marvel Rivals

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.