Fortnite Kong Location: Where to Find King Kong

Karan |  Published: January 17, 2025

Fortnite players can now encounter the mighty Kong on the island, but catching a glimpse of this legendary titan requires good timing and knowing where to look. While you can’t play as Kong just yet, there are still plenty of ways to interact with the massive ape during matches. Here’s everything you need to know about finding Kong in Fortnite.

Where to Find Kong in Fortnite

kong spawn from rift at start of game in fortnite
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Kong appears through a special rift event that triggers while the Battle Bus is still in the air at the start of a match. When this happens, you’ll see Kong leap out of a rift, and Monarch Supply Drops will scatter across the map. These supply drops contain legendary and epic weapons like rail gun and two Shield Bubbles each, making them worth tracking down.

monarch supply fortnite
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, screenshot by GameTechAnime)

The giant ape doesn’t stick around for long though. After making his dramatic entrance, Kong jumps back through the rift to Hollow Earth. While this might seem disappointing, his appearance actually serves as a signal – if you see Kong during a match, you can be certain that a Godzilla portal will spawn on the map shortly afterward.

This creates a perfect opportunity to either transform into Godzilla yourself or prepare for an epic battle against another player who reaches the portal first.

Is Kong Playable in Fortnite?

As of now, only Godzilla is available as a playable character in Fortnite through the portal transformation system. Epic Games hasn’t made any announcements about Kong becoming playable, though surprises could always come later in the event. However, you can still represent Team Kong in style – the Kong skin is available in the Item Shop for 1,500 V-Bucks since January 16, 2025.

kong skin fortnite
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Edited by GameTechAnime)

If you’re interested in getting the Kong skin, you have several options. You can purchase it individually or grab the bundle that includes both Kong and MechaGodzilla for 2,800 V-Bucks. The bundle offers better value if you’re planning to collect both titan skins.

While waiting to spot Kong in a match, make sure to check out those mysterious footprints on the eastern shore of the map. Not only do they add to the titan atmosphere, but investigating them will earn you a free 25,000 XP – a nice bonus for your Battle Pass progress.

Remember that timing is everything when it comes to witnessing Kong’s appearance. Since he shows up during the initial Battle Bus phase, you’ll want to keep your eyes on the sky as soon as you load into a match.

Even if you miss him, those Monarch Supply Drops can give you a serious advantage with their legendary weapons and Shield Bubbles, making them worth seeking out regardless of whether you saw the big ape or not.

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About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.