Marvel Rivals Mister Fantastic: How to Play, Counter & Abilities

Karan |  Published: January 10, 2025

Mr. Fantastic brings a unique playstyle to Marvel Rivals by combining tank-like durability with consistent damage output. In the current meta, he stands out as one of the stronger picks due to his ability to disrupt enemy formations while protecting teammates.

While his basic mechanics are straightforward to understand, mastering the timing of his abilities and managing his Elasticity meter takes practice. His stretchy abilities and crowd control make him particularly fun to play, especially when coordinating with teammates.

Let’s dive into everything you need to know about Mr. Fantastic – from his base stats and abilities to detailed gameplay strategies and counters.

Mister Fantastic Stats in Marvel Rivals

Here’s everything you need to know about Mr. Fantastic’s base statistics:

mister fantastic marvel rivalsMister Fantastic
Base Health350
Movement SpeedStandard
Difficulty3/5 Stars
Range15 meters (basic attacks)
Mister Fantastic Stats Marvel Rivals

How to Play Mr. Fantastic in Marvel Rivals

Playing Mr. Fantastic effectively requires understanding his hybrid role as both a disruptor and protector. Your primary goal is to build up the Elasticity meter through consistent ability usage. Each basic attack adds 5 points, while abilities like Rubber Grip and Flexible Elongation contribute 30 points each. Once you reach 100 points, you transform into an enlarged state with 800 health and increased damage output.

mister fantastic slamming captain america and iron man together in marvel rivals
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase, screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Start fights from mid-range, using basic attacks to poke and build meter. The unique aspect of your basic attacks is the ability to hit multiple targets by sweeping your stretchy limbs across the screen. This makes you particularly effective against grouped enemies. Look for opportunities to grab key targets with Rubber Grip – prioritize enemy healers or diving characters threatening your backline.

When engaging, use Flexible Elongation to close distance while gaining bonus health. This ability works both offensively and defensively since you can target allies to shield them. The key to success is timing your enlarged state transformation for maximum impact. Once transformed, you deal increased damage but lose some range, so position yourself carefully.

mister fantastic deflecting back iron man's attack in marvel rivals
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase, screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Reflexive Rubber serves as your main defensive tool, making you temporarily invulnerable while storing incoming damage. Save this for enemy ultimates or when you need to reposition safely. The damage reflection isn’t massive, but the invulnerability period provides crucial survival time.

mister fantastic using his ultimate in marvel rivals
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase, screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Your ultimate, Brainiac Bounce, works best when used after entering enlarged state for maximum survivability. While the damage isn’t overwhelming, the ability to bounce up to six times makes it excellent for disrupting enemy formations and creating space for your team.

How to Counter Mister Fantastic in Marvel Rivals

Mr. Fantastic has several key weaknesses that can be exploited. His lack of burst damage means he struggles to quickly eliminate targets, even in close range. While the enlarged state grants significant health, it also makes him an easier target for enemy abilities and ultimate charge.

His limited mobility options outside of Flexible Elongation make him vulnerable to being kited by ranged characters.

Strong counters to Mister Fantastic in Marvel Rivals include:

  • Punisher – Excels at applying constant ranged pressure with high DPS output. His sustained damage particularly punishes Mister. Fantastic.
  • Hawkeye – Superior range allow him to consistently kite Mr. Fantastic while applying damage.
  • Scarlet Witch – Her percentage-based health damage becomes increasingly effective against Mister Fantastic’s high health pool, especially in a 1v1.
  • Psylocke – High mobility and burst damage potential let her control engagement ranges while avoiding Mister Fantastic’s abilities.
  • Spider-Man – Exceptional mobility let him weave in and out of Mister Fantastic’s range.
  • Iron Fist – Strong crowd control combined with high melee damage makes him threatening in close range encounters.
punisher marvel rivalshawkeye marvel rivalsscarlet witch marvel rivalsspider man marvel warspsylocke marvel rivalsiron fist marvel rivals
Punisher Hawkeye Scarlet Witch Spider-ManPsylockeIron Fist
Mister Fantastic Counter Marvel Rivals

Note: This is based on early testing we will add/remove some characters as we play more.

All Mister Fantastic Abilities in Marvel Rivals

stretch punch mister fantastic marvel rivals
Stretch Punch
A forward punch attack that can hit multiple enemies by swinging arms• Damage: 60
• Range: 15m
• Attack Interval: 1.1s per hit
• Ammo: Infinite
• Type: Straight Spell Field
• Special: Can hit multiple targets with arm swing
distended grip mister fantastic marvel rivals
Distended Grip
Grab an enemy and either pull them toward you or connect them with another enemy for crowd control• Initial Range: 20m
• Secondary Max Distance: 25m
• Projectile Speed: 60 m/s
• Initial Damage: 20
• Secondary Damage: 20
• Single Pull Range: 10m
• Single Pull Damage: 50
• Dual Pull Damage: 30
• Elasticity Gained: 30
• Cooldown: 6s
flexible elongation mister fantastic marvel rivals
Flexible Elongation
Dash to target while gaining shield. Can target allies to shield them or enemies to damage them• Select Range: 15m
• Self Shield: 75
• Ally Shield: 75
• Damage: 30
• Cooldown: 8s
• Elasticity Gained: 30
• Charges: 2
Reflexive Rubber
Absorb incoming damage and reflect it back in targeted direction• Shield Value: 300
• Duration: 3s
• Self Slow: -35%
• Damage Reflection: 60%
• Reflected Projectile Speed: 80 m/s
• Cooldown: 12s
brainiac bounce mister fantastic marvel rivals
Brainiac Bounce
Jump and slam the ground multiple times, slowing enemies• Range: 10m radius
• Initial Damage: 50
• Additional Leap Damage: +10 (Max 100)
• Slow: -10% per leap (Max -60%)
• Slow Duration: 3s
• Min Leaps: 3
• Max Leaps: 6
• Energy Cost: 2800
• Special: Must hit enemy after min leaps
elastic strength marvel rivals mister fantastic
Elastic Strength
Build Elasticity through abilities to enter Inflated state with bonus health and damage• Max Elasticity: 100
• Duration: 6s
• Damage: 75
• Range: 8m
• Attack Interval: 0.92s
• Bonus Health: 450
• Movement Boost: 20%
wedded harmony team up abilities marvel rivals
Wedded Harmony
Partner with Invisible Woman to gain regenerating shield and damage resistance• Duration: 5s
• Cooldown: 20s
• Damage/Health Conversion: 100%
• Partner: Invisible Woman only
Mister Fantastic Abilities Marvel Rivals

Mr. Fantastic rewards patient gameplay and good positioning with the ability to control fights and protect teammates. Success comes from reading situations correctly and coordinating with your team.

Whether you’re diving the backline or peeling for supports, his versatile kit provides tools for nearly every situation. Keep practicing the timing of your abilities and elasticity management, and you’ll be stretching your way to victory in no time.

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Marvel Rivals

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.