Fortnite: All Oni Masks Locations and How to Use Them

Karan |  Published: December 05, 2024

If you’ve been playing Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1, you’ve probably run into players using Oni Masks to shoot fireballs or teleport around the map. These masks are pretty useful once you know how to get them and what they do. Let’s break down everything about these new items.

What are Oni Masks in Fortnite?

There are plenty of new weapons in this season, and in them are two special Oni Masks. Right now, you can find two types of Oni Masks in the game: Fire and Void. Each mask comes in Epic (purple) and Mythic (gold) versions. The Mythic ones are harder to get but let you use their abilities more times before they run out. Here is a quick explanation of both the masks:

  • Fire Oni Mask: A powerful offensive item that lets you shoot damaging fireballs at your opponents.
  • Void Oni Mask: A mobility-focused mask that enables you to throw a tear and teleport to its location.
Fire Oni MaskVoid Oni Mask
Fire Oni MaskVoid Oni Mask

How to Use Fire Oni Mask

The Fire Oni Mask lets you shoot fireballs that deal 100 damage to players they hit. If enemies are standing close together, one fireball can actually damage multiple people.

The regular purple version gives you 8 shots to work with, and you need to wait 8 seconds between each use. The gold version doubles this to 16 shots, which is really helpful in longer fights.

Getting the purple Fire Oni Mask isn’t too complicated – you can find it in any chest, but your best chance is looking in those special Elemental Chests that give out elemental items. For the gold version, you’ll need to find and beat Shogun X. He moves around the map a lot, but you can spot his location by looking for his medallion icon.

How to Use Void Oni Mask

The Void Oni Mask works differently – it’s all about moving around quickly. When you use it, you throw out what’s called a Void Tear and then you can teleport to wherever it lands. The purple one lets you do this 15 times with a 5-second wait between uses. The gold version is much better, giving you 50 uses to work with.

You can get the purple Void Oni Mask the same way as the Fire mask – check regular chests and especially Elemental Chests. For the gold version, head to Demon’s Dojo on the map and look for Night Rose. Beat them, and you’ll get the mask.

How to Get Oni Masks in Fortnite?

Your best bet is to look for Elemental Chests in named locations on the map. These chests always drop something elemental, and they have a good chance of giving you an Oni Mask. Regular chests can drop them too, but it doesn’t happen as often.

For the gold versions, you have two options:

night rose location in Fortnite chapter 6
Image Credits: Fortnite (via Epic Games, edited by GameTechAnime)

Another way to get them is simply taking them from other players who already have them. Keep an eye out for anyone using mask abilities – if you can eliminate them, the mask is yours.

Making the Most of Your Mask

The Fire Oni Mask is straightforward – use it when you want to deal damage. It’s particularly good against players who don’t have shields since 100 damage is enough to eliminate them. You can also use it to pressure people who are hiding behind builds.

using a typhoon blade in fortnite chapter 6 season 1
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Screenshot by GameTechAnime)

The Void Oni Mask is really flexible. You can use it to get away quickly when you’re low on health, move to better positions during fights, or surprise people by teleporting behind them. Since you don’t have to wait long between uses, you can chain multiple teleports together to move around the map quickly. The way we love to use this mask is with a combination of Wind Sprite and Typhoon Blade.

  • Use the Sprite to create an air vortex, and then use the void mask to gap close on the enemy.
  • Lastly, when you get into the melee range use typhoon blade combos.

One last tip: if you find a gold mask, don’t be too conservative with it. Having more uses means you can be more aggressive with your plays. Just remember that if someone eliminates you, they’ll get your mask, so make those plays count.

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About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.