Dark Fragments are a valuable crafting material introduced in Palworld’s Feybreak update. You’ll need these items to craft special gear like saddles and boots that can make your adventures much easier. Here’s everything you need to know about getting and using Dark Fragments.
To get Dark Fragments, you’ll need to head to Feybreak Island, which is located south of the volcanic area. Since you can’t fly there, you’ll want to use a water Pal like Jormuntide to make the trip. Once you’re on the island, there is only one way to collect Dark Fragments:
The most reliable way to get Dark Fragments is by defeating Dark-type Pals on Feybreak Island. These Pals are all level 50 or higher, so make sure you’re properly prepared before taking them on. Here are all the Pals that drop Dark Fragments:
You can also fight boss versions of these Pals for the same drop rates. Look for special variants like “Starryon (Midnight Blue Mane)” or “Splatterina (Crimson Butcher)” in the wild or in dungeons.
Dark Fragments are needed to craft several high-level items. Here’s everything you can make with them:
Pal Equipment
To craft any of these items, you’ll first need to unlock them in your Technology Menu using Technology Points. Some items might require Ancient Technology Points, which you can get by defeating the Feybreak Tower boss.
If you’re looking to collect Dark Fragments efficiently, head to The Oculus Gate, Tower in Sight area (coordinates: -1117, -1387) at night. This spot has good spawn rates for Dark Pals, especially Omascul during the day and both Splatterina and Starryon at night.
Remember that while Dark Fragments are important for high-level gear, they’re not easy to get. Make sure you’re well-equipped with strong weapons and high-level Pals before trying to farm them.