Palworld: How to Find and Defeat Smokie? (Location and Stats)

Karan |  Published: December 27, 2024

Smokie is one of the newer Dark-type Pals introduced in Palworld’s Feybreak December update. This small but mighty companion comes with the unique Partner Skill “Dig, Dog! Dig!” that helps you gather Chromite while exploring together.

Here is everything you need to know about how to catch, defeat, and breed Smokie in Palworld.

Smokie Stats in Palworld

Smokie brings a balanced stat spread that makes it a decent all-rounder. Its base HP and Defense both sit at 85, while its Attack reaches 90. Smokie comes with Gathering Level 2, making it useful for harvesting at farms.

Element TypeDark
Base HP85
Base Attack90
Base Defense85
Work SuitabilityGathering Level 2
Partner SkillDig, Dog! Dig! – Detects and increases Chromium drops
Regular DropsBone (2-3, 100% rate), Crude Oil (1-1, 50% rate)
Smokie Stats Palworld

Where to Find Smokie in Palworld?

You can obtain Smokie through four main methods:

smokie alpha boss location palworld
Image Credit: Palworld (via Pocket Pair, Edited by GameTechAnime)
  • Alpha Boss: The first is finding it as a level 55 Field Alpha Boss in the Sealed Realm of the Little Hero, located southeast of the Loess Plains teleport point at coordinates (-879, -1467). However, to access this area, you need to collect Bounty Tokens from other Field Alpha Bosses like Warsect Terra, Gildane, and Kitsun Noct.
  • Egg: The second method is hatching Smokie from a Dark Egg. Dark Eggs can be found scattered across the game world as pickup items, or you can obtain them through breeding other Pals at a Breeding Farm.
  • Breeding: Speaking of breeding, the third method involves specific Pal combinations. Some reliable breeding pairs include Jolthog with Dazzi Noct, Flopie with Ribbuny Botan, or even breeding two Smokies together. For advanced breeding strategies, Smokie can be paired with various Pals to create different offspring, such as breeding it with Ragnahawk to get Dinossom.
smokie spawn location map palworld
Image Credit: Palworld (via Pocket Pair, Edited by GameTechAnime)
  • Exploration: You can even find Smokie wandering around the map in the regions we have marked in the above image.

How to Defeat and Catch Smokie in Palworld?

When facing Smokie in battle, remember that as a Dark-type Pal, it has a significant weakness to Dragon-type attacks. Bringing Dragon-type Pals to the fight will give you a considerable advantage. Smokie comes equipped with several Dark-type moves, including Umbral Surge and Dark Cannon, so be prepared to dodge these attacks.

new pal smokie in palworld
Image Credit: Palworld (via Pocket Pair, Screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Smokie learns increasingly powerful moves as it levels up, starting with Bog Blast at level 1 and eventually learning Dark Laser at level 50. The most powerful of these moves is Dark Laser, which deals 150 power worth of damage but comes with a lengthy 55-second cooldown.

For the best chance at capturing Smokie, weaken it first using Dragon-type attacks, but be careful not to defeat it entirely. Once its health is low, use your strongest Pal Spheres for the highest chance of success.

Smokie proves to be a valuable addition to any Pal collection, offering both practical utility through its Gathering ability and combat potential with its diverse movesets.

Whether you’re looking to improve your Chromite gathering efficiency or add a solid Dark-type to your team, Smokie is worth the effort to capture and train.

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About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.