All Lord Icons in Marvel Rivals

Karan |  Published: January 30, 2025

Lord Icons are profile pictures in Marvel Rivals that show up next to your hero’s name. You get them by reaching the highest level (Lord) with a hero. You can’t buy these icons from the store – you have to earn them by playing matches.

Each hero in the game has their own Lord Icon. Once you unlock it, it changes your basic hero picture to a fancier version that lets others know you’re good with that character.

Every Lord Icon in Marvel Rivals

Here’s every hero currently available in Marvel Rivals and their corresponding Lord Icons:

Hero NameIcon
Adam Warlockadam warlock lord icon marvel rivals
Black Pantherblack panther lord icon marvel rivals
Black Widowblack widow lord icon marvel rivals
Bruce Banner/Hulkhulk lord icon marvel rivals
Captain Americacaptain america lord icon marvel rivals
Cloak & Daggercloak and dagger lord icon marvel rivals
Doctor Strangedoctor strange lord icon marvel rivals
Grootgroot lord icon marvel rivals
Hawkeyehawkeye lord icon marvel rivals
Helahela lord icon marvel rivals
Invisible Womaninvisible woman lord icon marvel rivals
Iron Fistiron fist lord icon marvel rivals
Iron Maniron man lord icon marvel rivals
Jeff the Land Sharkjeff land shark lord icon marvel rivals
Lokiloki lord icon marvel rivals
Luna Snowluna snow lord icon marvel rivals
Magikmagik lord icon marvel rivals
Magnetomagneto lord icon marvel rivals
Mantismantis lord icon marvel rivals
Mister Fantasticmister fantastic lord icon marvel rivals
Moon Knightmoon knight lord icon marvel rivals
Namornamor lord icon marvel rivals
Peni Parkerpeni parker lord icon marvel rivals
Psylockepsylocke lord icon marvel rivals
Rocket Raccoonrocket raccoon lord icon marvel rivals
Scarlet Witchscarlet witch lord icon marvel rivals
Spider-Manspider man lord icon marvel rivals
Squirrel Girlsquirrel girl lord icon marvel rivals
Star-Lordstar lord lord icon marvel rivals
Stormstorm lord icon marvel rivals
The Punisherpunisher lord icon marvel rivals
Thorthor lord icon marvel rivals
Venomvenom lord icon marvel rivals
Winter Soldierwinter soldier lord icon marvel rivals
Wolverinewolverine lord icon marvel rivals

How to Unlock Lord Icons in Marvel Rivals

pyslocke Lord Icons in Marvel Rivals
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase, screenshot by GameTechAnime)

To unlock a Lord Icon for any hero, you’ll need to progress through the game’s proficiency system. Each hero starts at the Agent rank and must advance through character proficiency: Agent, Knight, Captain, Centurion, and finally, Lord. The journey involves completing various hero-specific challenges and accumulating playtime with your chosen character.

Different heroes have different requirements based on their roles. Support heroes might need to focus on healing teammates, while damage dealers must demonstrate their offensive capabilities. Each rank brings its own rewards, with the Lord Icon being the ultimate prize for reaching the highest tier.

For a detailed breakdown of the unlocking process and specific requirements for each hero, check out our guide on how to get Lord Icons in Marvel Rivals.

Remember that Lord Icons aren’t available for purchase – they must be earned through gameplay. This makes them among the most respected customization options in Marvel Rivals, instantly recognizable as symbols of genuine achievement rather than store purchases.

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About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.