Marvel Rivals: How To Change And Import Crosshair

Karan |  Published: January 04, 2025

Your crosshair plays a big part in how well you can track enemies and land your shots in Marvel Rivals. Sure, the default crosshair works fine, but spending a few minutes to get it just right for your playstyle can make a real difference in how well you perform.

Whether you’re trying to land perfect headshots with Black Widow or just want to make sure your Star-Lord’s attacks are hitting the right spot, customizing your settings helps. You can either create your own crosshair or use settings that other players have already tested and shared by importing them in Marvel Rivals, Let’s go through exactly how to do both, step by step, so you can find what Crosshair settings work best for you.

How to Change Crosshair in Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals keeps all crosshair settings in an easy-to-find spot. Once you open your settings menu, here’s exactly what you need to do:

marvel rivals crosshair settings in game
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase, screenshot by GameTechAnime)
  1. Click on the “Keyboard” tab in your settings
  2. Scroll down until you see the “HUD” section
  3. Look for “Reticle Type” – this is where you can pick your basic crosshair shape

You’ve got four main types to pick from:

  • Circle: Good for tracking moving targets
  • Crosshairs: Classic style that works well for precise aiming
  • Dot: Perfect for headshots and long-range attacks
  • Circle and Crosshairs: Combines both for more visual feedback

After picking your basic shape, you can adjust these settings:

  • Width: Controls how thick the lines are
  • Opacity: Makes the crosshair more or less see-through
  • Outline width: Adds a border around your crosshair
  • Outline opacity: Changes how visible that border is
  • Blur: Adjusts how sharp or soft the edges look
  • Center gap: Changes the empty space in the middle
  • Circle radius: Makes the circle bigger or smaller
  • Crosshair length: Changes how long the lines are
  • Crosshair angle: Rotates the whole thing
  • Color: Pick between white, red, yellow, green, or blue

Head to the practice range to test your settings. It’s much better to figure out what works while shooting at targets than in the middle of a match with your team counting on you.

How to Import Crosshairs in Marvel Rivals

Sometimes you might want to try crosshair settings that other players have created. The import process is straightforward:

importing crosshair in marvel rivals
Image Credit: Marvel Rivals (via NetEase, screenshot by GameTechAnime)
  1. Open your Settings
  2. Go to the Keyboard tab
  3. Find the HUD section
  4. Click on “Reticle Save”
  5. You will notice an Import Save option.
  6. Choose “Import Save”
  7. Copy and paste the crosshair code you want to use

Here’s something really useful: you can set up different crosshairs for different heroes. Look for the “All Heroes” button at the top left of your settings. Click it, pick a hero, and any changes you make will only affect that character.

This makes sense because each hero aims differently. Take Black Widow – she needs a small, precise dot for those long-range headshots. But when you’re playing someone like Punisher who shoots in wider patterns, a circle might work better. Venom and other melee heroes like Wolverine might want something completely different.

The best crosshair really depends on how you play. What works great for someone else might feel off to you. Take some time in the practice range to test different settings. Try shooting both still and moving targets. Make adjustments until it feels natural.

That’s all there is to it. Play around with these settings, find what works for you, and you’ll likely see your aim improve over time. Just remember – a good crosshair helps, but it won’t instantly make you a better player. It’s just one part of getting better at the game.

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Marvel Rivals

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.