LEGO Fortnite Brick Life: All ATM Locations and How to Use Them

Karan |  Published: December 16, 2024

Starting out in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life means you’ll need cash – and plenty of it. Whether you’re saving up for a house or just need spending money, ATMs are going to be your best friends.

They’re scattered all around the city and give out daily stipends of 1,000 cash, plus some extra bonuses if you know how to use them right. I’ve put together this guide to show you exactly where to find every ATM in the game and how to make the most of them.

All ATM Locations in Brick Life

We’ve mapped out all 13 ATMs scattered throughout the city. Check out the map image showing their exact positions to help you find the closest one to your location. Here’s where you can find each ATM:

Lego Fortnite Brick Life All ATM Locations map
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Edited and Screenshot by GameTechAnime)
  • Vaulted Value Propositions (Bank) – Four ATMs outside the building, two on the north side and two on the south side. You’ll also find one inside.
  • Funk Op’s Party Perch Area – Head down the street from the bank to find three ATMs near the red and purple buildings.
  • Bobom Milk Tea Neighborhood – Two ATMs on the main road across from the milk tea shop, perfect for quick access while exploring the residential area.
  • Chimera Arcade – Look for an ATM on the left side of the entrance, even though the arcade itself is closed.
  • Beach Area – You’ll spot an ATM next to the outfit changing station, near the building with changing pixelated art.
  • MeowSwole’s Gym – Find an ATM to the right of the main entrance.
  • RoboRoll Sushi – Located on the same street as MeowSwole’s Gym, you’ll see an ATM to the right of the entrance.
  • Chairs, etc – Check the right side of the building for an ATM.
  • Mourndale Academy – Look for an ATM next to a vending machine in the buildings near the academy.
  • Phaedra’s Fortress – Head to the right of the fortress and find the ATM next to a phone booth.

How to Use ATMs in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life?

Using ATMs in Brick Life is straightforward and offers two main ways to get cash. Here’s everything you need to know:

collecting daily stipends from ATMs in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Screenshot by GameTechAnime)
  • Daily Stipends are your main source of free cash. Every in-game day, you can collect 1,000 cash from any ATM. Just walk up to an ATM and look for the “Accept City Stipend” prompt. The game uses in-game days rather than real-time, so you can collect these stipends frequently.
collecting sack o cash from ATMs in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Screenshot by GameTechAnime)
  • After collecting your daily stipend, you can still use ATMs to get extra money through the Sack O’ Cash method. Interact with any ATM and look for the “Take” prompt. This gives you 50 cash and adds a Sack O’ Cash to your inventory. There doesn’t seem to be a limit to how many times you can do this, though it’s a slower way to earn money compared to daily stipends.

If you’re working as a Citizen or Banker in the game, you might get tasks that involve giving Sack O’ Cash to other residents. Don’t worry about losing money when completing these tasks – your cash balance stays the same even after giving away the sack.

Take some time to familiarize yourself with these locations – especially the cluster near the bank and the ones along the main streets. Pretty soon you’ll be collecting your stipends as naturally as checking your mail. If you’re just starting out, make collecting these daily stipends part of your routine. It’s the easiest way to build up your cash reserves without having to grind jobs in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life.

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LEGO Fortnite Brick Life

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.