LoL ARURF Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch S25.1.2)

Karan |  Published: January 30, 2025

ARURF (All Random Ultra Rapid Fire) has made its exciting return to League of Legends for the 2025 season, bringing chaos and endless ability spam to the Rift. With the mode running throughout Act 1 of Season 1, it’s important to know which champions shine in this fast-paced environment.

What is LoL ARURF?

Before we dive in, for those new to this game mode – ARURF is basically League on fast-forward. You get random champions, your abilities have super short cooldowns, and there’s no mana cost. It’s pure chaos, but the fun kind. Think of it as regular League but after drinking way too much coffee.

The 2025 version is running on the new Noxus map, which adds its own twist to the mayhem. You’ll be playing this throughout Act 1 of Season 1, so let’s make sure you know what you’re doing when you roll certain champions.

LoL ARURF Tier List

urf match lol
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot, screenshot by GameTechAnime)
S+ TierMel, Renekton, Sivir, Veigar, Kayle, Teemo, Tristana, Garen
S TierAnnie, Trundle, Volibear, Wukong, Ziggs, Heimerdinger, Corki, Jarvan IV, Dr. Mundo, Nasus, Kog’Maw, Singed, Karthus, Vi, Diana, Malzahar, Jinx, Ahri, Morgana, Zyra, Miss Fortune
A TierNilah, Galio, Shen, Milio, Yorick, Nami, Kennen, Nocturne, Hecarim, Cassiopeia, Orianna, Seraphine, Warwick, Illaoi, Viktor, Ambessa, Lissandra, Mordekaiser, Ryze, Sona, Xin Zhao, Twisted Fate, Lux, Tryndamere, Aurora, Sett, Olaf, Xayah, Poppy, Lucian, Darius, Kled, Blitzcrank, Kayn, Jax, Rell, Malphite, Samira, Vel’Koz, Shaco, Nunu & Willump, Nautilus, Janna, Fiora, Viego, Maokai, Rakan, Fizz, Karma, Aatrox
B TierVayne, Brand, Sylas, Graves, Taric, Urgot, Caitlyn, Gwen, Vex, Taliyah, Soraka, Amumu, Alistar, Shyvana, Swain, Zac, Zeri, Gnar, Ekko, Neeko, Lulu, Leona, Vladimir, Pantheon, Smolder, Talon, Kindred, Lillia, Azir, Sejuani, Rammus, Syndra, Jayce, Gragas, Rengar, Anivia, Rek’Sai, Elise, Bel’Veth, Ornn, Briar, Aphelios, Sion, Akshan, Camille, Ivern, Kalista
C TierCho’Gath, Kai’Sa, Riven, Xerath, Gangplank, Kassadin, Braum, Naafiri, Fiddlesticks, Bard, Rumble
D TierEzreal, Varus, Zed, Jhin, Twitch, LeBlanc, Ashe, Thresh, Kha’Zix, Zoe, Hwei, Irelia, Senna, Zilean, Yone, Quinn, Renata Glasc, Master Yi, Draven, Akali, Lee Sin, Pyke, Tahm Kench, Evelynn, Qiyana, Aurelion Sol, Yasuo, Nidalee, Udyr, Katarina, Skarner, Yuumi, K’Sante

Best Champions in LoL ARURF (Patch 15.2)


mel casting radiant volley on ambessa in league of legends
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot Games)

The newest Noxian champion – Mel excels in ARURF thanks to her Overwhelm stacks and projectile manipulation. Her Rebuttal (W) becomes incredibly powerful with low cooldowns, reflecting enemy abilities non-stop, while her passive’s extra projectiles and stored damage turn her into a devastating force.


renekton lol
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot)

Imagine a crocodile that never stops dashing. That’s ARURF Renekton. He can chain his stun-dash-slash combo often, making him both unkillable and unavoidable. His ultimate’s health boost is almost always available, turning him into an unstoppable diving machine that can dance between towers at will.


sivir lol
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot)

Sivir becomes absolutely bonkers when she can keep her spell shield and bouncing blade coming up constantly. She clears waves instantly, pokes endlessly, and her ultimate’s speed boost has nearly permanent uptime. Plus, she’s basically immune to any crucial skillshots with her permanent spell shield.


veigar lol
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot)

Ever wanted to turn the entire lane into a cage? ARURF Veigar does exactly that. His Event Horizon has such a low cooldown that he can create permanent no-go zones, and his ability to stack AP becomes super accelerated. One cage into a full combo, and someone’s definitely going back to base.


kayle lol
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot)

Regular Kayle takes forever to become unstoppable. ARURF Kayle? She’s already there. With constant divine judgment availability and endless waves of fire, she transforms into her final form much faster and then just stays there, raining holy judgment from above nearly non-stop.


Teemo lol
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot)

He can literally carpet the entire map with mushrooms since there’s no mana cost, and his blind comes up so fast that auto-attack champions just have to accept their fate. Plus, his stealth is up so often he’s basically playing a different game.


tristana lol
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot)

The explosive yordle becomes a tower-destroying machine gun. Her jump resets come even faster, making her practically uncatchable while she demolishes objectives. Combine that with constant explosive charges and her ultimate being up for every fight.


Garen lol
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot)

Beyblade? More like Beyblades, plural. Garen can spin almost constantly while his villain-executing ultimate comes up every few seconds making him a potential threat for almost every ADC.

ARURF is all about embracing the chaos and having fun with whatever champion the game throws at you. While some champions definitely have an easier time than others, any champion can become a monster in the right hands. Plus, isn’t it more satisfying to dominate with a D-tier pick anyway?

Remember, this tier list is just a guide – not a rulebook. The best champion is often the one you enjoy playing, regardless of where it sits on the list. Now get out there and spam those abilities!

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League of Legends

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.