LoL Mel Build: Best Items, Runes, Counters & Combos (25.S1.2)

Karan |  Published: January 23, 2025

Let me share the most effective build and strategy for Mel Medarda, League’s newest champion who just arrived with patch 25.S1.2. As a mid-lane mage with a unique ability to reflect enemy projectiles, Mel brings a fresh playstyle to the Rift that rewards skillful positioning and strategic ability usage.

Now, let’s dive into everything you need to know about mastering this fascinating new champion, from optimal builds to counter matchups.

Editor’s Note: This guide is based on early testing. We will update this article within the next 7 days to include professional player builds, additional combo variations, and more in-depth research as the meta develops.

Who is Mel in LoL?

mel lol official poster
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot Games)

Mel Medarda steps into League of Legends as the first champion of 2025, bringing her diplomatic finesse and magical prowess from Arcane to the Rift. As a mid-lane mage with support flex potential, she excels at punishing enemy skill-shots and executing low-health targets through her unique Overwhelm mechanic.

Mel Abilities in LoL

mel deflecting back veigar's attack in lol
Image Credit: LoL (via Riot Games, screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Mel’s kit revolves around strategic ability usage and stack management. Her passive, Searing Brilliance, allows her to execute enemies when their health drops below the stored damage threshold.

Her Q (Radiant Volley) provides wave clear and poke, while her signature W (Rebuttal) reflects enemy projectiles. Her E (Solar Snare) offers crowd control, and her ultimate (Golden Eclipse) deals devastating damage to targets marked with Overwhelm stacks.

Best Mel Build and Items in LoL

Standard Build

Luden's Companion lolSorcerer's Shoes lolShadowflame lolRabadon's Deathcap lolVoid Staff lolHorizon Focus lol
Luden’s CompanionSorcerer’s ShoesShadowflameRabadon’s DeathcapVoid StaffHorizon Focus

Situational Build

Luden's Companion lolSorcerer's Shoes lolBanshee's Veil lolZhonya's Hourglass lolRabadon's Deathcap lolVoid Staff lol
Luden’s CompanionSorcerer’s ShoesBanshee’s VeilZhonya’s HourglassRabadon’s DeathcapVoid Staff

Best Mel Runes in LoL

Primary (Sorcery)Secondary (Precision)
Arcane Comet lol
Arcane Comet
Triumph lol
Manaflow Band lol
Manaflow Band
Coup De Grace lol
Coup De Grace
Transcendence lol
Scorch lol

Mel Ability Order Upgrade in LoL

Understanding how to level Mel’s abilities is crucial for maximizing her effectiveness in lane and team fights. Here’s the optimal skill order to focus on:

Skill Priority:

R > Q > E > W

Level-by-Level Skill Order

  • Q First: Radiant Volley is your primary wave clear and poke tool. Maxing it first improves your farming capability and trading potential.
  • E Second: Solar Snare’s root duration and damage over time increase with levels, making it a strong second max.
  • W Last: Rebuttal’s core mechanic (reflecting abilities) doesn’t scale with levels, so it’s maxed last.
  • R Priority: Take ultimate whenever available (levels 6, 11, 16) to increase your execute potential through improved Overwhelm damage.

Mel Combos in League of Legends

mel casting radiant volley on ambessa in league of legends
Image Credit: League of Legends (via Riot Games)

The most effective combo for Mel starts with landing your E (Solar Snare) to root the enemy. Follow up with Q (Radiant Volley) while they’re rooted to stack Overwhelm quickly. Use your empowered auto-attacks between abilities to maximize damage output.

Save W (Rebuttal) for defensive plays or to reflect crucial enemy abilities. Once you’ve built up sufficient Overwhelm stacks, use your ultimate to trigger a potential execution with your passive.

Here are Mel’s most effective ability combinations:

  1. Basic Trading Combo: E → Q → Auto Attack
  2. All-in Combo: E → Q → Auto Attack → R → Auto Attack
  3. Defensive Combo: W → E → Q (while moving back)
  4. Execute Combo: E → Q → Auto Attack (to build stacks) → R (once enough stacks are present)
  5. Team Fight Combo: E (multi-target) → Q → R → W (save for key enemy abilities)
  6. Extended Trade Combo: E → Q → Auto → W (hold for enemy response) → Q → Auto

Mel Counters in LoL

Mel struggles against champions who can bypass her W (Rebuttal) or quickly close the gap to take advantage of her immobility. Here are her biggest threats:

  • Zed: His shadow-swap allows him to avoid reflected abilities and quickly get into melee range
  • Katarina: Her blink ability and non-projectile ultimate make it difficult for Mel to defend herself
  • Fizz: Can easily dodge Mel’s abilities and close the gap with Playful/Trickster
  • Yasuo: His Wind Wall can block Mel’s abilities, and his mobility makes it hard to land skill shots
  • Garen: His silence prevents Mel from using abilities, and his tankiness makes executions difficult

Note: We will add more counters to this section soon.

Focus on positioning, managing your Overwhelm stacks, and timing your W correctly to counter enemy abilities. With practice, you’ll master this powerful new addition to the League’s champion roster.

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League of Legends

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.