Marvel Rivals Match Summary: Icons, Medals & Their Meaning

Karan |  Published: January 27, 2025

You just finished a match in Marvel Rivals, and now you’re staring at a screen full of numbers, icons, symbols, and medals. Trust me, we’ve all been there – looking at those icons wondering what exactly they mean. Maybe you have a shield symbol and aren’t sure if that’s good or bad, or you’re trying to figure out why your damage numbers look different from your eliminations.

The post-match summary screen is actually pretty straightforward once you know what you’re looking at. Let’s break down every term, icon, and medal you’ll see after a Marvel Rivals post-match summary, so next time you’ll know exactly how well you did.

All Post Match Stats, Icon and Terms in Marvel Rivals

all post match icons and terms marvel rivals
Image Credits: Marvel Rivals (NetEase, Edited via GameTechAnime)

Here’s what each icon and metric in your Marvel Rivals match summary means:

Note: Please match the number of terms with the number of terms in the image above as a reference.

NumberStatisticSymbol DescriptionMeaning in Game
1MVPText IconBest overall performer in winning team
2SVPText IconBest performer in losing team
3DuelistFistYour character’s role type in Marvel Rivals
4VanguardCrossed armsYour character’s role type
5StrategistPointing hand looks like giving somethingYour character’s role type
6Character IconHero portraitHero you ended the match with
7Player NameText IconIn-game username
8KOCrossed swords iconTotal eliminations you contributed to, even if you didn’t get the final hit
9DeathsA broken heartHow many times your character was eliminated during the match
10AssistsTwo handsEarned by buffing allies who get kills or debuffing enemies before elimination
11MedalsTrophy-like iconsSpecial achievements earned during the match (detailed in next section)
12Final HitsText IconNumber of times you delivered the finishing blow to eliminate an enemy
13DamageText IconTotal amount of damage dealt to enemies
14Damage BlockedText IconTotal damage either blocked by abilities or taken as regular damage
15HealingText IconAmount of health restored to teammates
16AccuracyText IconHow often do your attacks and abilities hit their target

All Post Match Medals in Marvel Rivals

Here is every medal you can earn in post-match screen of Marvel Rivals:

Medal NameIcon ImageSymbol DescriptionAchievement Requirements
Mighty VanquisherMighty Vanquisher marvel rivalsTwo swords crossed red iconHighest number of eliminations in the match
Trusty SidekickTrusty Sidekick marvel rivalsFist icon in yellowish green colorMost assists through buffs or debuffs
Gifted HealerGifted Healer marvel rivalsMedical cross or green plus signHighest healing provided to team
Impenetrable DefenseImpenetrable Defense marvel rivalsA blue shield iconMost damage taken/blocked in match
Relentless OffenseRelentless Offense marvel rivalsFire orange iconHighest total damage dealt
Triple KillTriple Kill marvel rivalsNumber 3Three eliminations in quick succession
Quad KillQuad Kill marvel rivalsNumber 4Four rapid eliminations
Penta KillPenta Kill marvel rivalsNumber 5Five quick eliminations
Hexa KillNumber 6Six eliminations in a row

There’s a lot to keep track of in Marvel Rivals match summaries, but understanding these icons helps you learn about your performance and contribution to the team.

For example, if you see you have high damage numbers but few final hits, you might want to work on securing eliminations. Or if your accuracy is low, you might need to practice your aim. These statistics help tell the story of your match and guide your improvement as a player.

The medal system rewards different playstyles, from aggressive damage dealers to supportive healers. Getting any medal is an achievement worth noting, as it means you performed exceptionally well in that aspect of the game.

Remember that different heroes naturally excel at different statistics. A support character might have lower damage but high healing and assist numbers, while an offensive hero might have high damage but fewer assists. What matters most is how effectively you’re playing your role on the team.

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About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.