How to Turn Off Mouse Acceleration in Marvel Rivals

Karan |  Published: December 16, 2024

Getting your aim right in Marvel Rivals can be tricky, especially with mouse acceleration turned on by default. If your shots aren’t landing where you expect them to, mouse acceleration might be the culprit.

While there’s no simple toggle in the game settings to turn it off, you can fix this by making a few changes to your game files. Let’s walk through the process of disabling mouse acceleration to help you get a more consistent aim.

How to Disable Mouse Acceleration in Marvel Rivals?

Mouse acceleration can be turned off by adding specific settings to your game’s configuration file. The process might seem technical at first, but it’s actually quite simple to do.

Here’s how to disable mouse acceleration in Marvel Rivals:

Run window in pc
Image Credits: GameTechAnime
  • Open the Run window by pressing Windows + R on your keyboard
  • Type “%appdata%” (without quotes) and hit Enter
  • Click on “AppData” in the address bar, then click “Local”
Marvel Saved Config Windows in pc
Image Credits: GameTechAnime
  • Open these folders in order: Marvel > Saved > Config > Windows
  • Look for a file called “GameUserSettings” and open it with Notepad
  • Scroll to the very bottom of the text
  • Add these exact lines:


adding codes for mouse acceleration in GameUserSettings file of Marvel rivals
Image Credits: GameTechAnime
  • Save the file and start Marvel Rivals again

For Windows 11, there’s an extra step you can take. The Windows mouse settings also affect how your aim feels in-game:

  1. Open your Windows Settings menu
  2. Find “Bluetooth & Devices”
  3. Click on “Mouse”
  4. Look for and click “Additional mouse settings”
  5. Go to “Pointer Options”
  6. Find the box that says “Enhance pointer precision” and uncheck it

What is Mouse Acceleration and Why Does it Matter?

Mouse acceleration is a feature that changes how far your crosshair moves based on how fast you move your mouse. Think of it like a car – with acceleration on, moving your mouse faster makes the crosshair travel further, even if you’re moving the same physical distance on your mousepad. This might sound helpful, but it actually makes it harder to build consistent aiming habits.

The feature becomes especially problematic on larger monitors or higher resolutions. Your aim might feel “floaty” or unpredictable because the game keeps adjusting your mouse sensitivity based on how quickly you move. Sometimes you’ll overshoot your target, other times you’ll fall short – all because the same mouse movement doesn’t always give you the same result on screen.

When you turn off mouse acceleration, your aim becomes more predictable. Moving your mouse one inch will always move your crosshair the same distance on screen, no matter how fast or slow you move. This consistency helps you develop better muscle memory and can significantly improve your accuracy over time.

If you’re noticing that your aim feels much better after making these changes, great! If not, double-check that you’ve saved the config file correctly and restarted the game.

Remember that getting used to playing without mouse acceleration might take some time – your muscle memory needs to adjust to the new, more consistent mouse movement. Don’t worry if it feels a bit strange at first; many players find their accuracy improves significantly after a few gaming sessions with these new settings.

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Marvel Rivals

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.