LoL Mythmaker Jhin Skin: Price and Release Date

Karan |  Published: January 21, 2025

For this year’s Lunar New Year celebration, Riot Games is releasing Mythmaker Jhin, a new Legendary skin that combines traditional festive elements with the champion’s signature theatrical style.

This skin is part of the returning Mythmaker collection. If you’re interested in adding this new Legendary Mythmaker Jhin skin to your collection, here’s everything you need to know about getting it.

Mythmaker Jhin Release Date and Price

Mythmaker Jhin lol skin splash art
Image Credit: LoL (via Riot Games)

Mythmaker Jhin will be available in the League of Legends store starting January 23, 2025, with the release of Patch 25.S1.2. The skin costs 1820 RP, which is the standard price point for Legendary skins in League of Legends.

How to Get Mythmaker Jhin in LoL

Getting the skin is pretty simple. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Wait for Patch 25.S1.2 to go live on January 23, 2025
  2. Open League of Legends
  3. Click on the Store icon
  4. Look for Mythmaker Jhin under New Skins or search “Jhin” in the store
  5. Make sure you have 1820 RP in your account
  6. Click Purchase and confirm

The Mythmaker collection includes more than just Jhin. You can also get Mythmaker skins for Jarvan IV and Nami. There’s also a Mythic-level skin for Cassiopeia that will be available for 150 Mythic Essence.

Is It Worth Getting?

Mythmaker Jhin lol model
Image Credit: LoL (via Riot Games, Edited by GameTechAnime)

For 1820 RP, you’re looking at one of the higher-end skins in League. The new animations look pretty clean – they’ve taken Jhin’s usual theatrical style and mixed in some Lunar New Year elements without going overboard. From what we can see in the splash art, the design team kept what makes Jhin interesting – his dramatic flair – while adding cultural elements that make sense for a Lunar New Year theme.

When it comes down to spending your RP, it really depends on how much you play Jhin. If he’s one of your main champions and you’ve been wanting a fresh look, this skin brings something different to the table.

But if you’re just a casual Jhin player or you’re already happy with one of his other skins, you might want to think it over.

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League of Legends

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.