How to Make Money Fast in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life

Karan |  Published: December 16, 2024

Starting out in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life means dealing with limited money, which can be frustrating when you’re eyeing that perfect house or accessories.

The good news is that there are several reliable methods to make money in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life, ranging from quick daily rewards from ATMs to steady job income.

Working Trending Jobs

The most profitable way to make money is by taking on trending jobs, which are available from 9 AM to 5 PM in-game time. These special jobs pay 2,000 currency per task, which is significantly more than regular work.

To find trending jobs, open your phone using the Tab key and check the Jobs application. Once you spot a trending job on the map, head to that location and talk to the NPC to get hired.

talking to beef boss for a job in lego fortnite brick life
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Unlike regular jobs that pay only 500 currency, trending jobs can quickly build up your savings. The tasks are usually straightforward – you might need to cook food at a restaurant, work the cash register, or give tours to other characters. Even though the work day ends at 5 PM, you can return later when new trending jobs become available.

Regular Jobs and Daily Work

talking to budge for a job in lego fortnite brick life
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Screenshot by GameTechAnime)

If you can’t find trending jobs, regular work is still worth your time. Most stores and buildings have NPCs who offer jobs paying 500 currency per task. The work is simple – you’ll usually just need to interact with equipment or talk to other characters. While it’s not as profitable as trending jobs, regular work provides a steady income stream when you need it.

Daily ATM Rewards

Every in-game day, a character named Diamond Hanz will notify you about a city stipend available at ATMs. Head to any ATM to collect 1,000 currency.

ATMs in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Screenshot by GameTechAnime)

Even after collecting your daily reward, you can keep using ATMs regularly for extra cash. Each interaction gives you 50 currency, and while there’s a cooldown period, it’s an easy way to top up your funds when you’re close to affording something special.

Bank Vault Money

vault in lego fortnite brick life
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Screenshot by GameTechAnime)

The bank vault offers another money-making opportunity. You can access it through chutes on either the top floor near Midas or the first-floor computer room. Inside the vault, money spawns randomly, and you can collect cash bags worth 500 currency from the trolley when they appear.

While other players might compete for the same money, it’s a decent option when you want to earn some extra cash while taking it easy.

Finding Money in the World

While exploring the map, keep an eye out for floating bills on top of buildings, arches, and other structures. These usually give between 10-25 currency each. While it’s not a huge amount, the money adds up over time and is worth grabbing when you spot it.

Your earned money stays with you even when switching servers or closing the game. By combining these different money-making methods, you can steadily build up your savings to afford all the luxuries Brick Life has to offer.

Remember that the most efficient approach is to focus on trending jobs while they’re available, collect your daily ATM rewards, and supplement your income with regular jobs and vault runs when needed.

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LEGO Fortnite Brick Life

About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.