Big changes are coming to Summoner’s Rift! Recent leaks have unveiled an exciting new epic monster named Atakhan, and it’s set to shake up how we play League of Legends. This ancient demon, once a servant of Mordekaiser alongside the fire demon Tybaulk, is about to make its mark on the battlefield with some seriously game-changing mechanics.
Update: Atakhan was showcased by Riot on November 25 during a YouTube stream. Here is everything you need to know about Atakhan.
Who is Atakhan in LoL Lore?
Image Credits: Riot (Edited by GameTechAnime)
Before we dive into the gameplay mechanics, let’s talk about who Atakhan actually is. According to League of Legends lore, Atakhan is a powerful demon who was summoned by the Black Rose cultists. Known to have connections with champions like LeBlanc, Vladimir, and Mordekaiser, this shadow demon brings its dark history straight to Summoner’s Rift.
Fun Fact: Atakhan is also on a card in Riot’s card game – LoR.
Note: This is based on leaks, and the actual gameplay hasn’t been shared yet.
Dynamic Spawn System: Unlike Baron Nashor with its fixed location, Atakhan introduces a completely new spawn system. It will appear near the lane where the most action is happening. This means you’ll need to keep track of which lane is the “hottest” if you want to contest this objective.
The Rose Collection System: One of Atakhan’s most intriguing features is the introduction of Roses that spawn across the map. These flowers serve as more than just decoration – they’re powerful artifacts that adapt to your champion’s build path. When playing an AP champion, each Rose you collect enhances your Ability Power, while AD champions receive Attack Damage bonuses instead.
Two Versions of the Beast: The leaks have revealed that Atakhan comes in two distinct forms. The standard version appears at the 20-minute mark, serving as the primary mid-game objective. However, in matches where blood flows freely, a more powerful version of Atakhan can emerge.
The Resurrection Reward: Defeating Atakhan offers important rewards. Upon slaying Atakhan, your team receives additional Rose stacks to bolster your power and a game-changing resurrection buff. Similar to Guardian Angel’s effect, this buff gives players a second chance in crucial fights. However, it comes with important limitations – it can only be used once and expires after a set duration.
It’s clear that Riot Games is pushing for more dynamic gameplay that rewards active play and strategic thinking rather than following the same patterns every game.
Remember, this information comes from leaks, so some details might change before the official release. However, one thing’s for sure – Atakhan is set to make League of Legends matches more exciting and unpredictable than ever before.
Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.