What Does Hitscan Mean in Fortnite?

Karan |  Published: December 04, 2024

If you’ve been playing Fortnite and heard players talking about “hitscan” weapons, you might be wondering what exactly that means. The concept is actually pretty simple, and knowing the difference between hitscan and projectile weapons can help you make better decisions in your gunfights.

What Are Hitscan Weapons?

Hitscan weapons are guns that hit their target instantly when you pull the trigger. There’s no bullet travel time or drop – if your crosshair is on the target when you shoot, you’ll deal damage right away. Think of it like pointing a laser – the moment you click, the beam hits exactly where you’re aiming.

How Hitscan Works in Fortnite

fortnite character fighting x shogun in chapter 6
Image Credit: Fortnite (via Epic Games, Screenshot and Edited by GameTechAnime)

In Chapter 6 Season 1, Fortnite has brought back hitscan for all weapons. This means when you shoot an assault rifle, SMG, or shotgun, your bullets will land exactly where you’re aiming with no delay. The only things that affect your accuracy are:

  • Your aim (where your crosshair is pointing)
  • Bloom (the natural spread of bullets within your crosshair)
  • Recoil (how much the gun kicks up when firing)

You don’t need to worry about leading your shots or aiming above distant targets to compensate for bullet drops. All weapons in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 use the hitscan mechanic.

If you are wondering what’s the difference between Hitscan and projectile weapons don’t worry let me explain it to you – with Hitscan weapons, there’s no actual bullet – the game just checks if your aim was on target when you fired. Projectile weapons, on the other hand, fire actual bullets that take time to reach their target and drop over distance. In layman’s terms, you can say Projectile weapon mechanics follow the real-world practices.

Making the Most of Hitscan Combat

Getting used to hitscan weapons takes some practice, but it’s pretty straightforward once you understand how each range works. Here’s what you need to know about fighting at different distances:

  • Close Range Combat: Getting up close with hitscan weapons is all about crosshair placement. You want to keep your aim around head level. A good trick is to start shooting slightly before you think you’ll need to – the instant hit registration means you won’t waste time waiting for bullets to travel.
  • Medium Range Fights: At medium range, tap-firing is your best friend. Instead of holding down the trigger, pressing it in short bursts helps keep your shots accurate.
  • Long-Range Engagement: Long-range fighting has changed completely with hitscan. You don’t have to aim above players anymore or try to predict where they’ll be. If you can see them, you can hit them – it’s that simple.

The return to hitscan weapons in Chapter 6 Season 1 has made gunplay feel more straightforward and familiar for many players, especially those who’ve been playing since the early days of Fortnite.

Whether you prefer this system or the more realistic projectile-based shooting is a personal preference, but understanding how it works will definitely help improve your game.

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About Author

Kanu is a veteran gaming journalist and industry insider whose work has appeared in prominent outlets including Dexerto and PCInvasion. Drawing from his experience across multiple gaming genres, he brings deep, firsthand knowledge to his coverage of the gaming and entertainment landscape.