Specialists are some of the most useful NPCs you can find in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. These hired companions can turn the tide of battle with their unique abilities and support services. If you’re wondering where to find all the specialists in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 and which one to hire, I’ve got you covered with this guide.
You’ll find four different specialists scattered across the map in Chapter 6 Season 1. Each one costs 250 gold bars to hire and will follow you around, helping you throughout the match. Here’s where you can find each specialist:
Located at Canyon Crossing, Helsie is your go-to specialist for healing and support. She offers the Patch Up service and carries a Veiled Precision SMG. Having a dedicated healer following you around can be incredibly valuable, especially in intense firefights or when you’re low on healing items.
Find Vi in the farmlands north of Hopeful Heights, where she offers scout services along with some impressive firepower. She offers a Surgefire SMG and Shockwave Grenades Her scouting abilities can help you spot enemies before they see you.
Stationed at Lost Lake, Mizuki ensures you’re well-equipped for battle. She carries a Sentinel Pump Shotgun and can help you gather supplies throughout the match.
You can find Cinder at Open-Air Onsen, equipped with a Twinfire Auto Shotgun. As a heavy specialist, she excels in close-quarter combat situations and can provide substantial firepower support when you need it most.
Helsie stands out as the most practical choice for most situations. Having a medic follow you around means you won’t have to worry as much about finding healing items.
She’s helped me win several tight situations where I couldn’t find shields or med kits. Vi is my second pick, but she’s not far behind Helsie. Her scouting helps you avoid bad situations, and that’s often better than having to heal after them. I’ve found her particularly useful when rotating into new zones – she’s spotted camping teams multiple times when I would have walked right into them.
Mizuki and Cinder are okay, but they don’t offer anything you can’t handle yourself. Mizuki’s supply specialist role sounds good on paper, but most of the time you can find enough supplies by just playing normally. Cinder’s combat support is nice, but in most fights, you’re better off having a teammate who can heal you or spot enemies.
Here’s the simple truth – if you’ve got 250 gold bars to spend, get Helsie. If she’s not available or someone else hired her, Vi is your next best bet. The other two aren’t bad choices, they just don’t give you as much value for your bars.
Remember that any specialist is only useful if they stay alive, so try not to send them first into fights. Keep them close, use their abilities smartly, and they’ll help you get closer to that Victory Royale.